Thursday, February 9, 2012

Warning: Polemics Ahead

The images of the Loire icing over are cooler, but it's a slideshow, so you get frozen vineyards instead.
 Yes, I haven’t had a class of more than four kids all week.  Yes, the buses are kinda-sorta-not-really running again (only 25% in Sarthe, and none still in Maine-et-Loire).  Yes, vacation starts for me at 9:50 AM tomorrow. 

But no, that’s not what I want to write about today.

Remember that teacher post elimination I talked about last time?

It’s reality.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Icy Road Week?

Yup, it was an ‘icy road day.’  I can’t tell if it’s just me/my impatient American-ness, but I feel after 24 full hours of snow NOT falling from the sky, the roads should be clear and definitely shouldn’t be a problem for the Monday morning commute, let alone a threat for the rest of the week, even if the region isn’t used to snow, as everyone seems to be so fond of reminding me.

Uh-uh!  Second Rule of Being in France: Logic?  What Logic?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Just a Typical Weekend

This weekend, Verity got the idea in her head that she wished to visit Chartres, a town that I only know of because of its cathedral.  After more researching . . . yup, still really only the cathedral that is noteworthy.  It has a stained glass museum, as the cathedral itself has more medieval stained glass windows than any other French cathedral; a history museum that specializes in military uniforms; and an agricultural museum.  When we separately told two people our plans to visit Chartres, each person independently asked, “Why?”  The second asked if we were staying the weekend, and when Verity assured her we were only going for half a day, I guess she sighed in relief.  So cathedral and walking around it was!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I know there are no pictures in this post (sorry, Zig!), but I needed to make a little clarification before the situation got too out of hand.  A little precision on my possibly premature announcement on Facebook (or by email . . . or by phone . . . I was kinda excited) that I’m staying in France until the end of June.