Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day Eleven: We Paid for That?!

Holy crap, no one move: we woke up this morning, and no one had stolen any of our food!  I was flying, angels were crying, and pigs were singing or something like that.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day Ten: I Would Walk 500 Miles

Is it really worth it anymore to complain that food got stolen?  No?  You’ve started taking it for granted?  So have I.  (In case you were wondering, it was my yogurt.)

Today we dedicated to Petrín Hill and the buildings we only wanted to see, so we steeled ourselves to walk clear across the city to the bottom of Petrín Hill, and we traipsed merrily along for about six blocks until Verity realized she had left her phone on her bed in the hostel: big no-no, especially when yogurt and pears weren’t even safe (and I’m putting away the bitter now).  She retraced her steps, promising to meet me at the funicular stop using public transportation so that we would theoretically arrive in the same place at the same time.